Our current project members come from across Europe and the US and have a diverse and rich disciplinary background.
Dolores Zoé Bertschinger, MA, LMU, DE, Study of Religion, d.bertschinger@lmu.de
Carla Danani, Prof. Dr., Università di Macerata, IT, Political Philosophy, carla.danani@unimc.it
Verena Eberhardt, MA, LMU, DE, Study of Religion, verena.eberhardt@lmu.de
Natalie Fritz, Dr., Katholischer Mediendienst/LMU, CH/DE, Study of Religion, natalie.fritz@kath.ch
Anna-Katharina Höpflinger, Dr., LMU, DE, Study of Religion, a.hoepflinger@evtheol.uni-muenchen.de
Ann Jeffers, Dr., University of Roehampton, UK, Biblical Studies, drannjeffers@me.com
Stefanie Knauß, Prof. Dr., Villanova University, US, Theology, stefanie.knauss@gmail.com
Marie-Therese Mäder, Dr., LMU, DE, Study of Religion, Maeder@evtheol.uni-muenchen.de
Daria Pezzoli-Olgiati, Prof. Dr., LMU, DE, Study of Religion, pezzoli@lmu.de
Natasha O’Hear, Dr., University of St Andrews, UK, Reception History, natasha.ohear@gmail.com
Alexander Darius Ornella, Dr., University of Hull, UK, Theology and Religions Studies, alexander@ornella.info
Sean Ryan, Dr., University of Roehampton, UK, Biblical Studies, Sean.Ryan@roehampton.ac.uk
Alberto Saviello, Dr., Freie Universität Berlin, DE, History of Arts, Alberto.Saviello@fu-berlin.de
Baldassare Scolari, Dr., HTW Chur, CH, Study of Religion, baldassare.scolari@icloud.com
Paola von Wyss-Giacosa, Dr., Universität Zürich, CH, Anthropology, History of Arts, von_wyss-giacosa@bluewin.ch